Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday Discipleship

The Peeps...
(left to right: Pankaj, John, Charu, Sarah and Niveya
Top row: Ryan and Sam)

Every Wednesday we have been traveling to Madipur. Earlier we asked you pray for our time and God has been so faithful to us. Pankaj and Charu are growing and learning a lot. Last week we made a list of characteristics of God and went over it with them. Instead of going to their house, we met at a market half way and over lunch we discussed this very important topic. Sarah was with our friend Neha (a 15 year old girl), whom she has really connected with. Ryan had a great conversation with Pankaj (21 year old college student). John had some great conversation with Rohit (Neha'a 19 year old brother, they both translate for us and have become great friends.)  I was blessed by a talk with Charu, a 19 year old girl.  

This week we met at their home and despite their monetary situation, they are so prompt to bring out chai and snacks. We love their mother. Though she does not speak a lick of english, her sweet presence blesses me every time. On a personal note, I have been struggling with the fact that I am not seeing much fruit. I have been praying for the Lord to humble me and accomplish His purpose and not mine. On Wednesday July 8th, we started our meeting with each of them asking questions that they had from their week in reading. It quickly turned into one on one.  Charu has finished reading the book of John, and is now reading Acts and Matthew. We started our time by me answering some questions from her reading. It was a blessing to explain the Ethiopian Eunuch and the parable of the unforgiving servant. The conversation flowed from talking about sin, to baptism, to forgiveness. She interrupted at one point and told me that before she met us she would only read her bible once a month but since we have been meeting with them, she is reading 5 times a week. This humbled me... God in His mercy chose to show me some fruit. He by no means needed to or should have, but in His grace He blessed me with this conversation. I am astounded by the truth found in Isaiah 55 that His word never returns void. He accomplishes what He wills, when He wills.  

Continue to pray for these believers as they will be starting a group for students their age. Pray for boldness and confidence in the word. Pray that Christ would continue to reveal Himself to them as they seek His word.

We will see you all in 8 days! Pray for our last week here, it's going to be difficult. 

For the Norco Team: Sam Hauser

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