Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sad Goodbyes and New Greetings...

This evening we said goodbye to the team from Florida that has been with us for the last three weeks. They were a great blessing to us and we thank the Lord for them. Their joy was contagious and their passion for Jesus overflowed. We became united as a family and will miss them dearly.

The last few days we have spent some time in North Dehli University area, having conversations with students. We are working alongside another group of Christian students, many of them being from other parts of the world as well. Our first day was filled with a number of tense frustrations. We really struggled with their methods in sharing truth. As we began to share with them methods that we believe are more effective, they allowed us to use our methods and by the second day they were beginning to really see the effectiveness and use our methods as well. We have been able to have some awesome conversations with the university students and been able to share the truth with them numerous times. For many of them, hinduism is cutlural not personal; they seem open to ideas of other possible truths. Praise God for the awesome work he is doing in the lives of the Indian students, for the willingness they have to listen to the truths we have to share. Please pray as we continue to converse. Ask the Lord to soften the hearts of those who remain hostile and firm in their beliefs. As we make these contacts, we hope to continue the relationships and pour out truth regularly. We are doing well. Some of us have adjusted quicker than others; but, we are becoming a bit more comfortable each day and continuing to learn as we watch and listen.

Sarah Lopez


  1. Greetings my family,
    I miss you all and love you so much...your updates are so beautiful, I love all the stories and detail... I hope sam and John's health is much better now, I've beeen praying for all your healths. It makes me so happy to hear you are having so many opportunities to share with the university students, Praise God! i am sure there are many personal struggles for each of you in such a dark and difficult place to labor in,(as was mentioned in some of your previous updates) but I hope this is an encouragement and a reminder,2Corinthians 12:9-10- Reading this while I was in Central Asia, I realized I AM ALWAYS WEAK! WE need Jesus every minute, every hour! In our state of weakness He enables us by His power, His strength and His amazing grace over us to fight sin and be His ambassadors. It is all HIM! Praise the one true living and only God and Redeemer, run to Him for we in ourselves are weak. I continue to lift you up in prayer, I love you all. Blessings.
    In His Unfailing Love,
    your sister in Christ Saskia

  2. hi!! quinn here. We miss you so much!! it has been a wild transition so far. first, we head to a steakhouse- no lie. it was 7am, but it didnt matter. nothing like a good steak and french toast with bacon on the side. lol but anyway, thank you for your prayers for us. it wont be easy working our way back to our routines and stuff. i miss india SO much! i would totally jump on the next flight back if possible. however, this is where the Lord has us and i will praise him regardless! LOVE AND MISS YOU ALL! send auntie and dr. thom our love!!
