Angela Mooney commented on one of our blogs and reminded us that we are "simply tools in the hand of the Master." This statement has become a full reality for us as we lean on our Father for strength, discernment and grace to be obedient. We have been going through the book of John in our morning devotion time as a team and today we came across John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him." It was a blessing and an encouragement to know the sovereignty of our great God and to trust Him with the lives we are pouring into. All of us came to the conviction that we want to share the gospel with more boldness and present decision opportunities. I personally think (and most of the team would agree) that "the sinners prayer" and walking the aisle has been so overplayed in America, that we somewhat shy away from it. However this is a different culture and we are learning to adapt and give opportunities where people have never been offered that opportunity before.
Here are a few things we have been up to...
Ryan and John hanging out with Ali.
They met him at New Delhi University and have been hanging out since.
Sarah has connected with his sister, Rukshana.
Steph, Sam and Supriya.
Supriya is Malveka's sister. Malveka is Indian and is going to school at CBU right now, and her younger sister Supriya lives here in New Delhi. We are loving getting to know her!
**On Sunday night we were able to share the gospel and challenge her to think about the idea of absolute truth. Keep her lifted up.
Team Norco and the international students at New Delhi University.
(Representing Kenya, Uganda, Fiji, Maldives, India, and America!)
On Wednesdays we travel an hour to a colony called Madipur. Quick context: Auntie and Daizy have started "life groups" in this area with some of the women. They meet once a week. It has been a blessing. But as of yet, there has not been a place for the college believers to meet. So a vision that Auntie wanted to see accomplished was that these 2 believers would be leading a group for their own age. That brings us up to date... We have started a discipleship process with these students and for me personally, it has been such a joy. It is so interesting to see how different aspects of this trip have captured different team member's heart. We all still serve faithfully but for example but particularly enjoy certain things. For example, Stephanie has such a burden for a pastor's wife and Sarah adores the ministries with the children. Discipleship is my heart. To see believers mature brings me such satisfaction. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 3:8, "For now we really live if you are standing fast in the Lord." This has been my prayer and I can't wait to see how the Lord works in this specific situation.
4 weeks is our countdown... 28 days til we get on a plane and come home. We are pushing through and trying to be the most intentional we can be. Keep us in prayer and know that we love and miss you all!
In His Love.... Sam Hauser